Back to the Past: The Rise of the False Heiress Marrying the True Tycoon novel free - Chapter 496

Chapter 496


Chapter 496: A Good Mother

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Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation  Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

However, in the subject of communication, Su Bing was awarded 65 points. The teachers comments that followed suggested that Su Bing should interact more with his peers and educators. As for health education, Su Bing scored 78 points.

This subject was largely graded based on the childs physical fitness. The teachers remarks noted that Su Bing had made significant progress in this area. Previously, he had failed, but the hope was that he would take better care of his health and soon reach the standard height and weight for his age. The teacher also urged the parents to pay more attention to their childs physical development.

Su Shen then reviewed two exam papers. Su Bing scored 99 in Chinese, with the one point deduction being from the essay section. In mathematics, he scored a perfect 100.

Su Shen placed the papers on the low table, his tone becoming more amicable as he said, Very good. Ill show these to your mother later, shell be pleased. Now lets take a look at your younger brothers results.

Su Lis eyes were filled with anticipation. His progress this term had been swift! He scored 89 in Chinese, which was considered good. Although he was far from reaching his brothers level, he was younger and still had time to catch up.

As for mathematics, which used to be his most troublesome subject, he scored 80 this time, also a good grade. His math teacher even rewarded him with two pieces of White Rabbit candy!

He ate one piece himself and planned to give the other to his mother later. His noticeable improvement in grades was all thanks to his mothers extra tutoring. How fortunate he was to have such a wonderful mother!

When his math teacher asked about the reason for his improvement today, Su Li proudly boasted in front of the entire class, Because I have a beautiful and intelligent mother. My wonderful mother cooks delicious food for me, encourages me to improve, and helps me with my homework

He couldnt quite remember what he said after that, but he was sure he had spoken at length. It was almost enough to write an essay.

Upon finishing his review, Su Shen affirmed his approval. Su Lis strengths were evident in sports, art, music, moral character, speech, and nature, all of which received high scores. As for health education, his evaluation was similar to that of Su Bing. History was Su Lis weak point. Very good, Su Shen commented, just remember to focus more on history in the future.

No sooner had Su Shens words fallen, than a pleasant female voice echoed from afar, growing closer. Everyone turned to see Gu Zi descending the stairs. She was clad in a floral A-line dress, its long sleeves and flowing skirt exuding an air of elegance and a touch of literary charm.

Your grades are out, how did it go? she asked, directing the latter part of her question to Su Shen.

Su Shen, his eyes deep and voice firm, responded, Very good, take a look.

He made room for her as he spoke, and Gu Zi gracefully took a seat next to him. She picked up the test paper and began to read, a satisfied smile spreading across her face. Turning to the children, she asked, What would you two like to eat today? Mommy will make it for you!

At that moment, Su Bing emerged from the kitchen carrying a plate of food, the aroma of meat wafting through the air. He placed the plate in front of Gu Zi, Mom, this is from my classmate Jiang Nuan. Her mom made it. I think its called pan-fried western steak. I wanted to bring some for you to try. Its been reheated.

He didnt have any particular cravings. Ever since his mother arrived, he had no complaints about the food.

Gu Zi was taken aback. She had intended to reward them with a delicious meal, yet Su Bing had already prepared something. She sampled the dish, pleasantly surprised by the taste.

Mmm, its delicious. Jiang Nuan is the girl who came to be a flower girl last time, right? Su Bings cheeks flushed slightly at her words. He nodded, then quickly retreated, fearing further questions.

Gu Zi watched him go, a smile in her heart, though she didnt let it show. She felt that this girl, Jiang Nuan, held a different place in Su Bings heart compared to other girls. This was beneficial for Su Bings character development, an absolute blessing!

Seeing his mother so happy, Su Li no longer cared whether he would get to taste his brothers steak. He quickly presented her with a White Rabbit Creamy Candy, a reward from his math teacher, hoping to catch her attention. Mom, I also have something for you. This was a reward from my math teacher. You can have it!

Gu Zi divided the steak among everyone, encouraging them to taste it. She patted Su Lis head, accepted the candy, and said, Thank you, Su Li, for buying candy for Mom!

Su Li was both delighted and confused. He hadnt bought it. But then he heard his mothers explanation: You are a student now. When you do well, your teacher rewards you with candy. Its like adults getting a bonus for good performance at work. The candy is your bonus. So, why wouldnt it count as you buying candy for me? So, thank you!

